Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chapter 10 Case Study: The Allure of MySpace

1. How do businesses benefit from Myspace? How do Myspace members benefit?
Businesses benefit from Myspace because they can advertise and also retrieve information from these users so that they can target and better serve their market. The businesses can advertise to a particular set of individuals who fit their target market. They can also retrieve their potential user’s age, location, martial status, language, gender, etc. to analyze what types of individuals may be interested in their products. Myspace members benefit from Myspace because they can network with millions of people who also utilize the service. They can do job searches, blog, play games and e-mail.
2. Does Myspace create an ethical dilemma? Why or why not?
Myspace does not create an ethical dilemma because all of its users subscribe by choice and therefore consent to the sites agreement.
3. Do parent and schools’ objections to Myspace have any merit? Should a site like Myspace be allowed to operate? Why or why not?
I do believe parents and school objections should be valued. They object Myspace because they are trying to protect children from being hurt by individuals who misuse this site. Although some people object this site, I believe that Myspace should be allowed to operate. There are a lot more positive aspects to this networking site than negative ones. Myspace is listening to the concerns and doing the best they can to protect individuals who could be a target to sexual predators. It is also the parents responsibility and not Myspace’s responsibility to protect and watch their children.